The chemical formula of Acetic acid is: CH3COOH
The chemical formula of Benzoic acid is : C2H5COOH
?Using Benzene and acetic acid how can you prepare benzoic acid
a- Reaction between Acetic acid and ammonia to give amide

b- Hofmann Rearrangement
Amides with no substituent on the nitrogen react with solutions of bromine or chlorine in sodium hydroxide to yield amines through loss of their carbonyl carbon by a reaction known as the Hofmann rearrangement

(C - Reaction methylamine with Nitrous acid NaNO2/HCl (HNO2
R-NH2 + HNO2 → ROH
d- Alkylation of benzene, using methanol

E- Oxidation of Toluene by KMnO4
Toluene is oxidized with alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification to form benzoic acid. Other oxidising agents that can be used are acidic KMnO4 , acidic K2Cr2O7 and dil HNO3 etc