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The nature of Chemical Bond Linus Pauling

1 إجابة واحدة

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Description of the book

Book name: The Nature of The Chemical Bond

Author: Linus Pauling

Edition: 3rd edition

Year: 1960

No of Chapters: 28

No of Pages: 655

File format: pdf

File size: 22.6 MB


Chapter 1: Resonance and the Chemical Bond

Chapter 2: The electronic structure of atoms and the Formal rules for the Formation of Covalent Bonds

Chapter 3: The Partial Ionic Character of Covalent Bonds and the Relative Electronegativity of Atoms

Chapter 4: The Directed Covalent Bond: Bond strengths and Bond angles

Chapter 5: Complex Bond Orbitals : The magnetic Criterion for Bond Type

Chapter 6: The Resonance of Molecules among several Valence-Bond Structure

Chapter 7: Interatomic Distances and Their Relation to structure of Molecules and crystals

Chapter 8: Types of Resonance in Molecules

Chapter 9: The structure of molecule and Complex Ions Involving Bonds with Partial Double-Bond Character

Chapter 10: The One-Electron Bond and the Three-electron Bond : Electron-deficient Substances

Chapter 11: The Metallic Bond

Chapter 12: The Hydrogen Bond

Chapter 13: The Sizes of Ions and the structure of Ionic Crystals

Chapter 14: A summarizing Discussion of Resonance and Its Significance for Chemistry

Cover of the book

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The Nature of The Chemical Bond by Linus Pauling

اسئلة متعلقة

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سُئل أكتوبر 11، 2021 في تصنيف الكيمياء العامة بواسطة hammoud949
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